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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221757-05-P1
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: Germany,Norway,USA
Location: Chicago,Hawaii,Illinois,New Jersey,New York City,NYC,Pearl Harbor,Princeton
TC Begins: 20:47:42
TC Ends: 21:05:35
Duration: 00:17:53
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Montage interior & exterior of Commonwealth Edison atomic power plant; uses of atomic energy; 20:49:01 Titles. 20:49:38 Aerials over University of Chicago stadium w/ helicopter shadow; stills of ground shots of ivy covered exterior; interior of stadium grandstand. CUs Enrico Fermi, ??, Einstein, ??, ?? 20:50:41 Montage: WW2 Germany scenes, civilians & Nazis saluting, marching, soapbox speaker, emigrants off ships. 20:51:22 Enrico Fermi working in laboratory, stills,1940s. 20:51:46 Niels Bohr NYC arrival, 1940s. ca 1960s Professor John Wheeler in Princeton U. office, SOF about Bohr saying bomb will NOT be possible... 20:52:33 Ext. Columbia University, interior w/ Leo Szilard & various scientists; James Conant; Vannevar Bush. Arthur Compton; Ernest Lawrence at control panel. Working on fabricating CP-1 facilities & equipment. 20:53:41 Einstein & Szilard on porch writing letter & talking. 20:53:56 Color. Woman, Laura Fermi, talking, SOF, of secrecy. B/W stills of scientists on Manhattan Project 20:54:32 “What is atomic energy”. Abstract image & illustrations of atom particle & still of early atomic bomb. Zoom in on illustration of block of U-235 uranium. 20:55:44 Fermi in lab. LS Berkeley hillside w/ laboratory’s cyclotron. Still: Glenn Seaborg. Enlargement of plutonium particle & still of sample next to note: Careful!! 20:56:45 Color Seaborg SOF talks of isolating plutonium over footage of weighing 2.77 microgram sample w/ special balance. 20:57:45 Color ?? SOF talking about idea of making a bomb out of an element that had not existed before. 20:58:02 Illustration steps in making bomb. 20:58:30 Montage: German war efforts & troops advance. Norwegian heavy water plant. Scientists building reactor w/ graphite carbon blocks at U. of Chicago. Machining graphite & building atomic piles. 21:00:05 British scientists at electronic console. 21:00:13 Conant & Bush talking in office. Montage of Pearl Harbor aftermath. 21:00:29 Ext. White House; int. President Roosevelt in office. CU Arthur Compton. General Groves sitting at desk w/ Arthur Compton & ?? 21:00:50 Color SOF, Groves talking of meeting Dr. Compton & method of problem solving. 21:01:54 Compton, Szilard & Fermi in office. 21:02:30 Montage: Scientists & equipment at work; stills of National Carbon Company, Canadian uranium mine, uranium sample poured & burning; scientists at Iowa State U. w/ Frank Spedding; still of mixing to produce bar of uranium. 21:03:27 Color SOF, Frank Spedding talking about curiosity on campus & problems of retorts igniting. Stills of Compton & others. 21:04:15 Groves talking of setting up Plutonium plant by Dupont. ?? talks about agreeing to build it as part of war effort. Argonne National Laboratory; WW2; WWII; Nuclear Research; Hanford History; Manhattan Project; Atomic Energy; Scientific Research; NOTE: Up to any continuous 15 minutes of 20:47:45 - 21:17:53 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: