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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221723-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1920s,1930s
Country: Germany,Italy
Location: Munich,Rome
TC Begins: 06:00:06
TC Ends: 06:04:48
Duration: 00:04:42
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1920s-1940, Italy, Military: Mussolini Title. 06:00:07 Well-dressed crowd marching thru square (narrator says Italy in 1922), men marching in formation w/ canes or sticks. Black flag. Crowd on balcony w/ Mussolini in middle gesturing. MCU on steps. 06:00:28 Overhead of groups in various native costumes, some in black fascist shirts w/ sash, marching w/ signs thru narrow street. 06:00:44 28Oct22 Crowd in rain in large square watching & running after large car. Montage of crowd shot, Mussolini on balcony, cheering men w/ rifles & caps on barrels, 06:01:03 Montage: Mussolini & other Fascist officers w/ medals on chests march past. Cheering crowd saluting filling small plaza; Large plaza w/ obelisk in center, Pompous Mussolini w/ chin out & hands on hips speaking (MOS), gesturing. GOOD. 06:01:40 Young boy fascists w/ neck scarfs (look like Boy Scouts) parade w/ rifles. 06:01:50 14Jun34 (?) Hitler & others off tri-motor plane, greeted by Mussolini, posing at first meeting. 06:02:01 Mussolini reviewing Black Shirts; with Hitler in various places, including w/ King Vittorio Emanuele III & Queen Elena (1938). 06:02:17 Army tanks in parade around Roman Triumphal Arch & around Coliseum. Hitler & Mussolini w/ King & Queen reviewing goose-stepping Fascist troops. 06:02:44 Mussolini & Hitler w/ Anthony Eden, Daladier & others at Munich Agreement signing Sep38. Mussolini signing, Eden signing in background. 06:03:02 Night cheering crowds; on balcony; tilt up to Victor Emmanuel monument, night. 06:03:14 Italian soldiers, Mussolini on horseback & standing by monument of emperor (?) reviewing troops. 06:03:37 Title: Where Do We Stand. Mussolini on balcony speaking (MOS), shaking fist. Massive crowd. Dissolve to Haile Selassie. 06:03:54 Title: Italy - First Pictures of Duce’s War Speech. High angle shot of crowd filling Venice Square in Rome; view of Victor Emmanuel monument. CU of Venice Palace balcony & Mussolini w/ General (?) comes out, view over shoulder looking down. SOF General introduces Mussolini, salute, cheering crowd & SOF of Mussolini declaring war (?). Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Dictators; Diplomacy; Military; 1920s; 1930s; NOTE: If requested will provide 06:00:06 - 06:07:17 (2 cards) at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: