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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220795-57
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
Location: DC,New York City,NYC,Washington
TC Begins: 15:07:50
TC Ends: 15:10:16
Duration: 00:02:26
Churchill In US - Confers With Truman and Defense Chiefs Liner Queen Mary arrives at New York Harbour. Churchill disembarks; brief shot press conference. Churchill boards presidential plane Independent. Landing in Washington DC. Full military honours as Churchill exits plane in DC and Churchill shakes hands with Truman and others. Churchill speech re pursuit of unity between USA and Britain. Truman concludes “Peace on earth is what we’re both striving for”. Churchill and Truman board presidential yacht Williamsburgh; Anthony Eden and Dean Acheson on board; other military and government officials posing round Truman and Churchill.