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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221652-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 12:25:21
TC Ends: 12:28:21
Duration: 00:03:00
England & League of Nations: Asquith (?); Lloyd George; Laval; Samuel Hawes; Anthony Eden Herbert Henry Asquith (?) w/ others walk from building across lawn. Unid. speaker. 12:26:01 MCU Lloyd George SOF “The next question is peace, w/o real peace all progress is impossible. Peace is imperiled by the growth of armaments from every country including ours. I counsel you to vote only for candidates who insist that the government of the day, before they proceed to increase the huge armament bill that we have got talk over the international situation & secure an all-round reduction in armaments.” 12:27:01 VIPs into League of Nation meeting, Pierre Laval, Dino Grandi entering. 12: 27:15 Samuel Hawes speaks before microphones beside plane leaving for League of Nations meeting: “I’m off to Geneva to help Mr. Eden & Mr. Laval, & the members of the League in their work for peace. We’re all out for peace; we’re all out for carrying out our obligations under the League.” 12:27:43 Anthony Eden at formal dinner (sd no useful) “We know we are destined in our life & in our generation to live in a period of emergency of which no one (abrupt end).” 12:28:13 Alps - three LSs. Personalities; World Peace Organizations; 1930s;