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League at Work, The R1 of 2 (League of Nations)

Reel Number: 220588-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1937

Country: Switzerland

Location: Geneva

TC Begins: 15:28:34

TC Ends: 15:38:26

Duration: 00:09:52

League at Work, The R1 of 2 (League of Nations) Realist Film Unit La Societe à L'Oeuvre (1937) Explores history of and explains the various functions of each branch of the League of Nations. 15:29:15 CU headstone for Private R.R. Harmon Cheshire Regiment, 26 May 1918. Others. Cemetery 15:29:46 Int. Versailles Hall of Mirrors. Woodrow Wilson. Large assembly hall. New Headquarters treaty building. 15:30:20 Secretary General Joseph Avenol at desk introduces heads of each branch who describe their operations. Post office, typing pool w/ typists; women at duplicating / roneo / copying / printing machines. 15:31:23 Man calls on telephone for translation of word, secretary at his desk. Post room man stamping mail. Reference library given by Rockefeller, man walking thru shelving holding books. 15:32:16 Seymour Jacklin, Treasurer, writing on blackboard how budget is worked out. 15:32:57 Ext. of League buildings. Jacklin at blackboard. Still of Lord Balfour. Pan building. 15:33:47 Information section, antennas, electricity pylons - radio transmitters. SOF Radio broadcasters in different languages - English, French, Spanish. Publications loaded onto van for distribution. Pamphlets. Press communications. Man walks into hall is surrounded by reporters for press briefing. MCU of international reporters. 15:35:06 Newspaper headlines re some of the issues the League has to deal with. 15:35:19 Legal section. Two men in office. Large ledger removed from shelf & written in. Avenol to camera. 15:36:23 Political section Frank P. Walters speaks to camera (SOF) is handed files, talks of recent problems the League has to deal with; shots of assembly taking seats. 15:37:17 MCU Anthony Eden; ?? France; Litvinov, Russia / USSR. Spectators watching. 15:37:44 Crowd listening to political speaker on soapbox addresses outdoor meeting. Black man addressing gathering. 15:38:11 MCU Ink pen hand writing, calligraphy, the word Petition. Documentary; Educational Film; NOTE: Good shots of headquarters building & art painted in Assembly Hall corner(s).

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