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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220875-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: California,San Franciso
TC Begins: 07:29:08
TC Ends: 07:32:16
Duration: 00:03:08
San Francisco Conference Top shot San Francisco - street and buildings. Delegates arriving for conference, Saudi Arabian delegation, Field Marshal Smuts, China, Philippines, Arabs pose for cameras. 07:30:02 Eden arrives. Molotov stands talking with Lord Halifax, Anthony Eden and Stettinius. Oriental man with camera. CUs various delegates including Masaryk, delegate from India, Netherlands, Mexico, Lebanon, Iran, an others. 07:31:40 Conference opens, Stettinius on podium. 07:31:47 Dorr opens to the Associated Press HQ. Reporters, typing, telephone operators. Conference, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. NOTE: May combine w/ other short reels totaling up to 10 minutes at per reel rate.