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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250087-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Australia,Canada,England,Mexico,United Kingdom,USA
Location: michoacan,Paricutin,Portsmouth,Virginia
TC Begins: 04:18:33
TC Ends: 04:27:56
Duration: 00:09:23
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943: Invasion Practice; Eden & Halifax in DC; Life Raft; Blizzard; Mules; Ship Launchings; Coast Guard Beach Patrol; Lend-Lease Tanks; Volcano Eruption Titles 04:19:01 Title: U.S. Army Prepares For Invasion Of Europe! Landing practice w/ barrage balloons, men ashore & over barbed wire fence, explosions, houses seen in background across wide sandy beach. Soldiers run ashore. Landing craft door dropped, vehicles off. Amphibious training center village attacked & street fighting practiced. 04:20:25 Title: Anthony Eden In U.S. For Talks on Post-War Plans. MCU Eden & Lord Halifax & into office of Secretary of State Cordell Hull, posing, handshaking. 04:20:54 Title: New Life Raft For U.S. Seamen. Large steel raft hanging from crane; MCU of rations & distress signal & signaling mirror demonstrated. Raft dropped in test, men jumping off ship in exposure suits & into raft, raise sail & throw signal into water, rowing. 04:21:59 Title: Heavy Snows Hit Eastern Canada. Drifting snow over cars, people climbing drifts, walking, crawling, digging out railroad locomotive & train. Large snowplows on road. People walking along line of cars on road & into factory gates. 04:22:37 Title: U.S. Army Drafts Missouri Mules. Tugging on rope to unload mule from railroad freight car; pushing from inside & tugging on station platform, running along. In field bucking mule tossing soldier from rope. 04:23:29 Title: New Ships Pour From U.S. Yards. Views of ships under construction; assembling steel destroyer escorts, CUs. 09Mar43 Stern of USS Hopping (DE-155) in Portsmouth, Virginia, widow launches by breaking champagne bottle, sldes down ways. 04:24:16 Men swinging timber to knock out supports & launch welded oil tankers. Overhead shot. 04:24:37 Title: Mounted Coast Guard On Patrol. Coast Guardsmen riding on beach, down dunes & galloping on sand. W/ trained dog & radio. 04:25:16 Title: Tanks On Guard In Australia. HA of regiment of lend-lease tanks & crews, tank crew into tanks & pulling out across field, dive bombers w/ shells exploding; tanks over ditches. 04:26:24 Title: A New Volcano Erupts In Mexico. Large ash crowd up from Paricutin. MCU of explosions, lava cooling, tumbling & smoking. Eruptions. Night & flames exploding. Natural Disaster. The End. WW2; Military Newsreel; Homefront Industry; Winter Weather Storms; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: