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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221328-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960
Country: Russia,Tajikistan,Ukraine,USSR
Location: Moscow,Tajikistan,Ukraine,vladimira
TC Begins: 09:00:01
TC Ends: 09:09:12
Duration: 00:09:11
Russian News of the Day 1960 #45 Titles & first four scenes of issue missing. Kremlin, Brezhnev presents Voroshilov w/ Order of Lenin and Order Sickle & Hammer, for his excellent service to Communist Party and Soviet government, kiss on lips, other delegates seated at long table, Brezhnev pins both orders on to Voroshilov jacket, shake hands, smile. 09:00:31 ‘Soviet - Cuban debate’. Kremlin, Mikoyan meet Cuba’s delegation w/ Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, shake hands, discuss future collaboration in trade and economic industries. Good CUs. 09:01:00 ‘Labor report to Homeland’. Biggest in the world Bratsk Dam under construction, workers, water streams thru scaffolding, man in high crane lifts concrete as woman gestures. 09:02:02 Tajikistan, apple harvest, women sort big piles of apples & pack them in boxes. Grape harvest, CU women cut grapes, men carry big baskets of grapes, piles of grape boxes, workers check & pack grapes. 09:02:50 Ukraine, testing of huge new open pit mining machine, man in control panel, switches on mining machinery w/ buckets & conveyor belts, huge machine from various angles & tailings pile. 09:03:37 Arctic, Atomic Icebreaker ship “Lenin” on water, breaks thru ice, CU ships captain on bridge looks w/ binoculars, ship from various angles, people in control room, smaller ships lined up behind icebreaker. 09:04:29 Launching new ship ‘Soviet Russia’, people crowds on the shore, ship slides into water w/ flags flying from bow. 09:05:07 Ancient city of Vladimira, military band, crowds in square of freedom, in honor of city’s 850th anniversary unveiling of new monument, CU statues on monument. 09:05:40 CU dolls on the conveyor belt, kids celebrate kindergarten anniversary, little girls sing & dance(SOF), kids applaud w/ big smiles on faces. Children dance w/ little flags in their hands & sing (SOF) - “Hurray to October”. Very nice for youthful patriotism, pride. 09:06:40 Football (soccer) Final between Dynamo & Torpedo teams, LS huge stadium, CU cheering supporters, shot of winning goal from Torpedo’s Ivanov, applause, winners collect their prize trophy. 09:07:38 “Youth celebration ball’’. University of Friendship hall, international youth dance, celebrate, international students at microphone introduce themselves in Russian (SOF) from Ghana, Venezuela, Russian factory; applause, guests watch Russian folk dance ensemble's performance, all smile, applaud. NOTE: Sound problem throughout. NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.