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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250062-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1950,
Country: Canada,Japan,Korea,USA
TC Begins: 02:50:19
TC Ends: 02:56:00
Duration: 00:05:41
Title. 02;50:25 Pan across United Nations Security Council w/ Trygve Lie. 02:50:31 CU Warren Austin; empty seat by name plate: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. LS filled gallery w/ spectators. 02:50:43 MCU of United Kingdom speaking (largely unintelligible) talking about US government, Korean govt. & the united Nations. Swish pan... 02:51:22 LS Line of Marines at attention in fornt of painting or ?? of Liberty Bell & banner: Reserves Ask Only The Right To Be Ready. LS of civilian men & women standing w/ hats off. LS from rear of room. 02:51:34 MCU Somber, President Harry Truman at NBC & other microphones, SOF: “Gentlemen, we face a serious situation, we hope we face it in the cause of Peace. The only reason for the action which was taken on advice of all the brains I could muster, it was hoping, always hoping, that we would finally arrive at the Peace in the world which we anticipated when we created the United Nations. That was the only reason for the action. Thank you very much.” Turns & walks away. Swish pan... 02:52:04 General Douglas MacArthur down metal ladder from MATS airplane, greeted. CU MacArthur. 02:52:15 LS of fleet towards camera, heavy clouds above. Fighter jet raised to flight deck; many planes w/ wings folded on flight deck. 02:52:32 Aircraft carrier bridge w/ half-dozen men & headsets & radiophones. Planes moved around deck of USS Valley Forge (CV-45). CU Pilot giving thumbs up; planes launched from each side of carrier; formation flying past. 02:53:06 Slug. 02:53:15 Title. 02:53:20 Troops march across railroad tracks to station platform; boarding freight cars w/ Koreans. Wounded lying on ground on stretchers. CU eating candy bar, talking. 02:53:56 Korean soldier directing traffic, truck & jeep past. GI talking to Korean soldiers. Korea refugees w/ bundles of goods / belongings along road. 02:54:23 General MacArthur w/ others to plane, saying goodbye to unid. officer. Swish pan... 02:54:36 Dock w/ freighters; CU large crate w/ sign: Dangerous Explosives. Men carrying crates & packages & stacking on dock from truck. Crane loading ship. 02:54:59 LS of large ship & amphibious boats; MCU row of amphibious boats thru water, entering large ship (probably LST-1186, USS Cayuga). Swish pan... 02:55:19 Small Navy ship docked, sailors loading casks / barrels. MS Sailor painting logo Cayuga. CU Sailor wearing cap HMCS Athabaskan. Sailors boarding small vessels at dock; MCU sailor & woman kissing; sailor holding baby kissing wife goodbye. Sailors at rail waving goodbye. Destroyer HMCS Athabaskan #219 leaving dock. Korean War Related Activities; Jujn50; Jul50; NOTE: Though from two source reels, entire card can be sold at single reel rate if client desires. NOTE: Truman sound is okay; balance is unusable.