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19Apr51, MacArthur Ticker Tape Parade - 5th Ave. NYC

Reel Number: 220809-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1951

Country: USA

Location: New York City,NYC

TC Begins: 14:33:39

TC Ends: 14:37:03

Duration: 00:03:24

19Apr51, MacArthur Ticker Tape Parade - 5th Ave. NYC Police & newsmen walk past. POV from car past large crowd. 14:33:56 Ticker-tape parade w/ American Legion on side-lines & Navy & Army lining parade route & saluting. 14:34:40 Marching up thru Washington Square Arch & up 5th Ave. General MacArthur in car w/ police & secret service alongside. 14:35:46 Very nice unid. building. Fireboat spraying inNew York harbor. POV past boats with many people. POV in parade with ticker-tape & confetti etc. People in trees in Battery park & enormous crowd below. Celebrity; Military Hero; April, 1951 New York City;

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