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Philippines Mop-Up, 1945

Reel Number: 220821-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Philippines

Location: clark field,intramuros,Luzon,Manila,palawan island,san miguel

TC Begins: 09:10:35

TC Ends: 09:19:14

Duration: 00:08:39

Philippines Mop-Up, 1945 VS troops w/ rifles engage in street fighting, walled city of Intramuros, 24Feb45. Party of US officials watch action and tour edge of city w/ troops. GIs w/ wounded Japanese? soldier. Fort within city wall burning. VS GIs prepare explosives and move through ruined city. GIs inspect and move body civilian girl? LS smoking ruins. 09:14:20 USN Sec. James V. Forrestal w/ Gen. MacArthur, San Miguel, 28Feb45. 09:14:50 VS arrival of Forrestal at Clark Field, Luzon. Greeted by Adm. Nimitz? Forrestal leaves in light aircraft. 09:15:54 Tanks move into Intramuros along ruined streets. Pile of civilian corpses inc. women and children among debris. LS offical building under fire. 09:18:12 GIs move along jungle road on Palawan Island, 01Mar45? GIs talk w/ Filippino civilians. WWII. Pacific War.

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