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Toyo No Gaika / The Victory Song of the Orient R5 of 14

Reel Number: H1532-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942,1940s

Country: Philippines

Location: bataan,CORREGIDOR

TC Begins: 13:02:01

TC Ends: 13:10:57

Duration: 00:08:56

WWII - 1942, Japanese Invasion & Occupation of Philippines LS Explosion across valley, CU artillery barrel lowered, loaded & Japanese big guns fire on Bataan. 13:02:49 Japanese title. Japanese filling, stacking sandbags in jungle camp hidden on jungle hillside; eating & daily life, cooking, listen to speech by officer, camp entertainment, soldier dancing on stage, dressed in leaves as soldiers watch. Troops bath in stream. 13:04:06 Japanese planes drop surrender leaflets on American lines w/ pictures of women & children, turn over: CU, “Ticket To Armistice - Use this ticket. Save your life. You will be kindly treated.” Cartoon depicting MacArthur’s flight, call for Filipino troops to abandon the US. Leaflets loaded into canisters & bomber drops.Japanese soldiers in truck thru jungle, set up megaphone to broadcast propaganda urging Filipino surrender of Corregidor,etc. 13:06:30 Titles. Japanese starting planes, pilots on airfield w/ Patriotic song over images of troops & Air Force at attention. Artillery firing. 13:07:56 Pilots to planes, motors started, bombers taxi & take off; inside cockpit of planes in formation. 13:09:08 Soldiers on the march, artillery firing. Aerials of fighter planes in flight; explosions on ground. Tanks & infantry moving intercut w/ artillery firing, troops & officers watching. Japanese firing machine guns. WW2 Pacific; Battles; Fighting; Surrender Appeal; Psychological Warfare; Propaganda; 1940s;

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