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United Nations And World Disputes (main title missing) Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221469-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: Korea,South Korea,USA

Location: Seoul

TC Begins: 02:40:45

TC Ends: 02:48:22

Duration: 00:07:37

United Nations And World Disputes (main title missing) Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Map of Korea. General Assembly meeting Sep47 w/ John Foster Dulles speaking for Korean independence (MOS). Gromyko. High angle, Seoul. Int w/ US Four-Star General arriving, Soviet Generals sitting, speaking at mic (MOS). Ext. Int. meeting of United Nations Commission w/ Koreans, Soviets & US. Elections in South Korea under UN supervision. Voting. South Korean flag on pole, large crowd, Syngman Rhee at microphone. LS of Korean city from hilltop, street scenes & market. Street scenes. 02:42:42 Map of Korea w/ 38th parallel. Fighting at night, day. Buildings burning, refugees, kids. 02:43:19 United Nation modern flag raising, security council meeting w/ empty USSR seat, Austin; MacArthur off plane in Korea meets w/ Generals, receives UN battle flag. Troops along road on foot & jeeps, tanks. Fighting. Large artillery firing; mortars firing. 02:44:37 01Aug50 UN meeting w/ Jacob Malik arriving; Warren Austin & others arrive. Security Council w/ Malik presiding. 02:45:02 Korean fighting intercut w/ delegates. 02:45:40 Security Council meeting, packed gallery. Austin speaks (SOF): “Who’s troops are attacking deep in somebody else’s territory? (thru) “Is the Soviet Union one of the fifty-three? No.” 02:47:14 Turning globe, w/ flags of 53 nations supporting South Korea. The End. Post-WWII History; Diplomacy; Diplomats;

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