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WWII - 1944, Admiralty Islands Fighting; Chinese Pilots; Navy Blimps; 8th Air Force Fighters

Reel Number: 250048-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: China,England,Japan,United Kingdom,USA

Location: California

TC Begins: 22:10:12

TC Ends: 22:19:41

Duration: 00:09:29

WWII - 1944, Admiralty Islands Fighting; Chinese Pilots; Navy Blimps; 8th Air Force Fighters 22:10:40 Title: Gen. MacArthur Leads Attack On Admiralty Islands. MacArthur w/ cotton in ears watching explosions on islands. Views of ship bombardment, machine guns. Landing craft & men off into jungle. Mac walking thru mud; tanks & artillery on devastated Eniwetok. 22:11:48 Islander women & children in large crater or ??. GIs fighting holding Japanese flag & give V sign. 22:12:06 Title: Chiang Kai-Shek Hails Joint U.S. Chinese Air Wing. General & Mme arrive at US airbase in SE china & meet Chinese pilots trained in US. Inspects planes. 22:13:05 Title: U.S. Navy’s New Patrol “Blimps” In Mass Flight. Blimp out of hanger, taking off & many in air w/ cameraman seen. Views of fleet in formation. Pilot in cockpit looking thru windows. Commander Bentner watching. 22:14:12 Title: Troops On Leave Visit Wonders of Ancient World. GIs & women’s auxilaries thru Indian market looking at goods; board trolley car & visit Taj Mahal. Italy & soldiers on GI Special train to Pompeii; walking thru ruins, pose. Aerial of Mt. Vesuvius & GIs up steep slope w/ steaming heat. Lava moving & lighting cigarette from lava. Wave from ridge. 22:15:49 Title: Huge Allied Air Armadas Battle Nazis Over Europe. Airmen / fighter pilots prepare guns / shells & bullets in 8th Air Force Fighter Command. Climb into P-47 Thunderbolt planes & take off w/ extra belly fuel tanks. Flying w/ bombers; firing machine guns. GSAP of planes breaking up. GOOD but grainy. 22:17:45 Anti-aircraft fire, flak ack-ack. Dog fight. GSAP. Four Thunderbolts landing. Pilot greeted & airmen pose. The End. WW2; WWII; Fighting; Battles; Military Newsreel;

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