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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221409-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1962
Country: Germany,Russia
Location: Berlin,Moscow,Petersburg,St
TC Begins: 17:09:15
TC Ends: 17:23:07
Duration: 00:13:52
Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Trials, courtroom scenes re mass executions. Still Stalin former allies, hammer & sickle over. High angle of trial, defendants, prosecutor (?) stills of executed man w/ hammer & cycle over. 17:10:26 Title: Coyoacan 1940: re Leon Trotsky assassination. Stills; hammer & cycle over. 17:10:46 German Nazi Wehrmacht marching, Hitler speech (SOF). Still of Popular Front demo w/ peace signs. NY Times headline: Reich & Soviet Join For Peace--Or War. Stalin, Molotov, von Ribbentrop. 17:11:28 German army trucks, WWII title, stuka planes dive bombing; bombers, explosions. Soviet tanks & troops invade Poland - stagey footage w/ snow - NOT September invasion! 17:12:07 Nazi troops march down Champs Elysées. German guns & mortars fired, explosions re invasion of Russia. Map USSR w/ arrows to Stalingrad, shows areas Russia expanded into after war. 17:13:25 Troops march on parade; tanks. Crowd cheering in East Germany stadium. Docks & cranes re trade, training. Troops run across barren fields. Montage: military exercise w/ Chinese w/ artillery, tanks, barge, woman on stretcher, refugees. 17:14:16 Czechoslovakia, 1948: Parliament. Ext. Crowds cheering, speaker on balcony. Riot, fightnig & police. Benes signs accepting Communist cabinet. Jan Masaryck assassinated, corpse w/ hammer & sickle, 17:15;16 Funeral. Parliament. Benes dies, hammer & sickle over still. Funeral w/ street crowds. 17:16:11 Anti-Communist riots, mixed footage East Germany 1953 & Poland 1956, tanks, soldiers, fleeing. 17:16:35 Budapest, 1956 demonstrations, star falls off roof. Tank thru street, troops firing. Fires. PM Imre Nagy at memorial. Looted streets, book burning. Russian tanks invade, firing. Still Nagy w/ Hammer... 17:17:54 Havana 1959: Cuban peasants cut sugar cane. Slum, poor children. Kid bathed w/ bucket, Castro w/ guerrillas in forest & thru Havana w/ cheering crowds. Castro brother Raul; Che Guevara. Castro speaks at podium, cheering crowd; w/ Khrushchev. Firing squad, man executed. Hammer & Sickle over still. 17:19:41 Title: Berlin 1961 Pan of Berlin Wall. Soldiers constructing, inspecting. West Berlin & East Berlin titles over. Title down memorial. Airplane take off. Tilt & pan boarded up wall; various shots of wall. Still of moon & stars. Khrushchev & JFK speaking at UN (MOS). Korean war montage, ships, US aid activity. Washington Monument; Lincoln Memorial statue. Jefferson Memorial. The End. Cold War Propaganda; History of USSR; Revolution; Communism; Communists; Socialism; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes of 16:54:33 - 17:23:07 sold at per reel rate.