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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220715-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1935
Country: USA
Location: Newtown Square, PA,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 16:00:04
TC Ends: 16:01:52
Duration: 00:01:48
Smedley Butler Speaks His Mind on U.S. Politics; Senator Bone Warns U.S. Against War Entanglements Ex-Marine General standing outdoors in civilian clothes speaks to camera. Says people of American do not think the Democrats can run the country, but do not want hard line Republicans. Says Roosevelt will be re-elected unless he makes a false step & involves America in a foreign war which is surely coming. (Neutrality) Says to remember that this administration has control of the vote getting machinery & around 5 billion dollars to spend as it sees fit “... and as present day politics go, you could elect an Eskimo with 5 billion dollars...” 16:01:52 Senator Bone Warns U.S. Against War Entanglements. Speaking outdoors to camera re situation in Italy. Mussolini ready to plunge Italy into war. Applauds the Neutrality Bill & says he hopes it will keep Americans out of war and “safe on this side of the Atlantic Ocean”. Elections; Campaigning; Ethnic Slur; Outspoken; Economics; Pre-WWII; Depression; 1930s; Pacifist; Isolationism;