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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220716-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1991
Country: USA
Location: OVAL OFFICE, White House, Washington, DC
TC Begins: 17:31:25
TC Ends: 17:37:33
Duration: 00:06:08
President Bush Meets with Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar In the Oval Office Bandar thanks Bush re sending US troops to Saudi Arabia. Bush talks about being grateful to your Majesty... Photographers clicking. “What’s the mood at home on all this?” “Well the mood is excellent Mr. President & I’m here to help His Majesty & the Saudi people... (thanking US & its military and to be proud of them) Bush: “I think we did the right thing back in August...kept your loss of life, our loss of life way, way down...” Bandar: “We have a healthy respect for the Iraqi people & the Iraqi Armed Forces...they didn’t really believe in their cause.” Shot of cameramen & VP Quayle, James Baker & ?? on couch. Cameramen leaving. Gulf War Aftermath; Diplomacy;