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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220656-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947
Country: USA
Location: Key West, Florida,Summer White House
TC Begins: 22:08:39
TC Ends: 22:13:14
Duration: 00:04:35
1947 - USA, President Truman: Fishing Trip & Summer White House, Key West, Florida. 14Mar47 Navy PT boats (including Dolphin aka The Big Wheel, C-26565 w/ Truman party, along w/ C-26590 & C-18345) at speed. 22:10:04 Truman, posing w/ ??? weighing fishing catch as part of White House Sweepstakes. 22:10:38 MCU Truman in convertible w/ ??; others get in - drive off 22:11:05 Truman & guests at Summer White House walk across lawn, sit in lawn chairs for photographers. Truman in MCU & relaxing in sun wearing pith helmet reading papers under palm tree. Press photographers; Truman sitting w/ others. Presidential car down drive Vacation; Relaxing; Sport Fishing Contest; NOTE: Date NOT verified. May have been part of White House Sweepstakes fishing contest. If so on trip were Press Secretay Charlie Ross, Adm. Leahy, William Hassett, Clark Clifford, John E. Steelman, Maj. General Harry Vaughn, Rear Admiral James Foskett & others. NOTE: If requested will provide 22:08:39 - 22:20:54 at per reel rate.