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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250119-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: USA
Location: Detroit River,Michigan
TC Begins: 20:29:30
TC Ends: 20:32:58
Duration: 00:03:28
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1918 ca - Miss Detroit III w/ Gar Wood Young girl w/ doll (nitrate damage). 20:29:48 Flash fitle: The Ford Weekly - Weeklies come & Weeklies go but Ford goes on forever. 20:29:48 Flash title: Miss Detroit III wins Speed Boat Classic. 20:29:49 Inboard boats on trailers, others in water; dissolve to V-12 motor in inboard powerboat. 20:30:04 Shop from onboard boat w/ woman in fur stole onboard watching inboard boats running in distance. Multiple shots of boats hydroplaning past w/ shore in background. 20:30:44 Flash title: Thousands line Belle Isle shores as tiny crafts speed by. 20:30:46 Crowd & cars watching from lake shore, seen waving to passing camera boat (light nitrate damage). 20:31:08 Flash title: Gar Wood, the intrepid driver of Miss Detroit III winner of the race. 20:31:09 MCU holding small teddy bears, w/ mechanics laughing; CU Teddy Bears. 20:31:27 Flash title: Poor “Whip Poor Will” who broke her steering in the first heat & lost her chance... 20:31:28 MCU Inboard floating, w/ twelve vertical exhaust pipes, name visible. 20:31:40 Black servant in white jacket holding door for many business men in suits leaving, Henry Ford near last. Some pose on steps, then slowly move on. Wealth; Sports; 1918 ca; Inboard Boat Racing; Aug18 ca; 01Sep18 ca; Championship Race; NOTE: Probably at time of 1918 Gold Cup Race. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: