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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221683-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s
Country: USA
Location: Michigan
TC Begins: 01:21:00
TC Ends: 01:30:37
Duration: 00:09:37
1920s - Children Leaving Lawn Dance; Kids & Christmas; Ford Camping w/ Unid. Friends Children in couples on lawn at Ford Museum; walk / march to front & enter two story house w/ full balcony, leaving small band playing on lawn. 01:22:30 Small farm house w/ wood siding on hill in winter or early Spring. Young man & girl out of door (multiple takes). Walk down hill past camera. 01:23:52 Inter-titles from A Merry Christmas To All: “So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With a sleigh full of toys, and Santa Claus too.” Drawing of house in deep snow on clear night. Inter-title: “And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof the prancing & pawing of each little hoof.” “Down the chimney Santa Clause came w/ a bound...” 01:25:02 Tilt down Christmas tree w/ decorations, Santa Claus looking up.” 01:25:17 Inter-title: “Santa Claus gives all he has every year...” 01:25:31 Santa looking at ornaments. 01:25:42 Inter-title: “Restless feet dance...” 01:25:55 Three small children down stairs, see Christmas tree. 01:26:23 Inter-title: “Merry Christmas! Whee-e! Isn’t Santa Claus just the kindest man in all the world!” 01:26:23 Kids to presents, stockings hanging from fireplace & decorated tree. Boy marches w/ drum, girl playing piano. 01:27:14 Ford camping w/ friends. All sitting around in front of tent, woman in cowboy hat w cigarette given pistol, mugs for group & camera as they all laugh. 01:27:58 MS unid. man in western gear & smoking cigarette. MS of others, unidentified. Henry Ford w/ neckerchief sitting in chair talking to others. LS of group in circle w/ canvas chairs as woman tells story. 01:29:04 Group visiting sawmill w/ log moving on carriage past. 01:29:16 Henry Ford & ?? walking w/ shotguns in brush in front of loggers’ (?) cabins & cut over trees behind, past camera. 01:29:32 MCU Cabin door w/ man blowing long horn out screen door. People down path in front of cabins; enter cabin / cookhouse. 1920s Family Home Movies; Holidays; Christmas; Vacation; Friends; 1910s;