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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221664-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1900s
Country: USA
Location: Brooklyn,Coney Island,Detroit,New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 12:19:05
TC Ends: 12:28:26
Duration: 00:09:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: American Road, The (main title missing) Ford Motor Co. Pt. 1 of 4 Staged: CU wheel & spokes of horse drawn carriage wheels thru mud on dirt road. Couple dressed up riding w/ luggage arriving at farm house, man splitting wood & woman hanging wash. Past school house. CU of pocket watch, boy running to door of school. Past farm house, doctor leaving in buggy. Arrive train station. 12:22:03 ca 1900 City street scenes, well dressed pedestrians, street cars, firemen down pole, to fire. Beer wagon (staged. Lower east side (LES) vendors, kids playing in street, elevated train & Blue point oyster wagon. Staged, exterior of baseball park w/ people around it & large banner signs. 12:23:24 CU wake of water at rear of ferry in NY harbor. Amusement park w/ women boarding train, shoot the chutes, camel ride, women & men frolicing on beach in long swim suits. Kids in hydrants. 12:23:57 Staged: Recreational bicycle riding w/ couples side-by-side on tricycle bike, dirt roads. Others alone. Man falls on bad road, they all turn back. 12:24:53 Staged: Man working on quadricycle, buggy w/ gasoline engine motor. (negative scratch). Pushed out at night from garage for trial run. Riding thru neighborhood on brick street. 12:25:45 Staged: Man & horse pulling early car w/ couple in it on dirt road. Two men in car on road. Sailwagon like ice-boat on wheels. On dry lake bed. 12:27:48 Staged: Man working on gas engine of racing car 999. Others working on anvil and forge. Technology; Industrial History; Automobiles; Henry Ford (not seen); Race Car; Blacksmith NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of entire film 12:19:05 - 12:53:33 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: