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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221664-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,New York City
TC Begins: 12:28:26
TC Ends: 12:38:06
Duration: 00:09:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: American Road, The (main title missing) Ford Motor Co. Pt. 2 of 4 Staged: Race car 999 started and driven on banked wooden track. 12:28:44 ca 191? Traffic past NYC Pennsylvania Station on 8th Ave. Other NY street scenes of pedestrians and traffic (much later than narration track). 12:29:00 Staged: CU hand and payroll book. Model A driving up to large wealthy house. Costumed people. Man cranks side crank, drives off. 12:30:09 Staged: Man at barn currying horse, watches car go past. Model T into barn yard, farmer inspects but shakes head. CU man at desk w/ pencil and car catalogue. 12:31:20 Staged: Men working at constructing cars on saw-horses and assembly frame & body parts. Decides to move cars past men. Man with stop watch timing assembly process (Taylorism). Pushing on tracks. Sliding sub-assemblies along belt as men assemble gears. Wheel rims down gravity slides. Moving conveyor belts w/ parts, engines. Hanging parts from tracks. Motors into frames, fenders onto frames, body dropped on, Model Ts off final assembly and out factory door. 12:35:20 Staged: Family out of house and into car w/ kids bouncing on seats. Man cranking, off down dirt road w/ mother holding hat. Down crooked dirt road, two cars meet on one-lane road. 12:36:50 Car w/ man driving down very muddy road towards & past camera. Truck stuck in axle deep mud. 12:37:16 Men with horse teams grading road, concrete mixer and pouring concrete road. Cars on paved roads. Mountain road with Model T up hill past camera. Technology; Industrial History; Automobiles; Henry Ford (not seen); 999 Race Car; Taylorism; Manufacturing; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of entire film 12:19:05 - 12:53:33 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: