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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220310-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
Location: Washington
TC Begins: 14:09:40
TC Ends: 14:11:13
Duration: 00:01:33
State Visit - US Welcomes Japan’s Head. Reception given by Eric Johnstone, head of the Motion Pictures producers Association for the Premier of Japan Hayato Ikeda. Four Japanese girls in kimonos. Johnstone and Ikeda greeting arrivals. White House, luncheon with President John F Kennedy (JFK) his wife and former President Eisenhower (Ike) and Mamie. Group pose for cameras. Presidential yacht Honey Fitz, Ikeda and Kennedy on crutches board yacht for talks. Yacht leaves dock. 1961;