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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220357-12
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 02:31:44
TC Ends: 02:37:38
Duration: 00:05:54
Nation Hails Cooper Cooper’s mother outside White House. Astronaut Gordon Cooper & wife arrives in open-topped car. Embraces mother as photographers snap. Crowd in White house Rose Garden. President John F Kennedy (JFK) congratulates Cooper. LBJ present. Cooper brief thank you speech. Motorcade through Pennsylvania Avenue, crowds cheer, placards. Capitol. Children running. Inside Congress, Cooper gets standing ovation. New York City: Street sign “Mercury Way”. Ticker-tape parade, huge cheering crowd, Cooper & wife wave. People throwing ticker-tape. Cooper received on footsteps of City Hall. Mayor Wagner presents Cooper with Medal of Honor at Waldorf Astoria. space race; 1963;