1961 - Cold War, Germany: Berlin, V.P. Johnson Speaking at McNair Barracks. 19-20Aug61
Slate: Camera: Harper. 20Aug61. Roll 3. Limousine arrives past assembled soldiers. Vice-President Johnson out of car; spectators waving from behind MPs. LBJ walking to reviewing stand at McNair Barracks. Girls give him flowers. Gen. Lucius D. Clay in civilian clothes & Maj. Gen. Albert Watson II are behind the VP. Johnson to microphones & speaking (MOS) from notes to the crowd & assembled troops, CUs
05:39:00 LBJ walks between line of troops & shakes hands w/ the troops; walks to car & stands in car door.
05;39:59 Slate: same. Roll 4 Johnson walks up rear steps onto platform in front of Berlin Command HQ. ECU, Vice President Johnson waving. GOOD.
05:40:41 MLS Crowd lining street in sunshine, pan to US military band playing. MS, CU, Johnson seated on platform next to Lucius Clay. GOOD CU.
05:41:09 VS, troop convoy of the 87th Div. as it passes in review in front of Berlin Command HQ. Cut-ins of the crowd. Army cameraman riding on hood of jeep.
05:42:15 Vice President waving to troops in the convoy from reviewing stand. Tracked APC passing, CU
1960s; Politicians; Propaganda;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
1961 - Cold War, Germany: Berlin, V.P. Johnson Speaking at McNair Barracks. 19-20Aug61 Slate: Camera: Harper. 20Aug61. Roll 3. Limousine arrives past assembled soldiers. Vice-President Johnson out of car; spectators waving from behind MPs. LBJ walking to reviewing stand at McNair Barracks. Girls give him flowers. Gen. Lucius D. Clay in civilian clothes & Maj. Gen. Albert Watson II are behind the VP. Johnson to microphones & speaking (MOS) from notes to the crowd & assembled troops, CUs 05:39:00 LBJ walks between line of troops & shakes hands w/ the troops; walks to car & stands in car door. 05;39:59 Slate: same. Roll 4 Johnson walks up rear steps onto platform in front of Berlin Command HQ. ECU, Vice President Johnson waving. GOOD. 05:40:41 MLS Crowd lining street in sunshine, pan to US military band playing. MS, CU, Johnson seated on platform next to Lucius Clay. GOOD CU. 05:41:09 VS, troop convoy of the 87th Div. as it passes in review in front of Berlin Command HQ. Cut-ins of the crowd. Army cameraman riding on hood of jeep. 05:42:15 Vice President waving to troops in the convoy from reviewing stand. Tracked APC passing, CU 1960s; Politicians; Propaganda; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.