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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250060-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964
Country: USA
Location: California,DC,Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,San Francisco,Washington
TC Begins: 22:05:45
TC Ends: 22:11:52
Duration: 00:06:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1964 - Public Service Feature, A: Know Your Candidates, The 1964 Presidential Elections 22:05:53 MCU Barry Goldwater waving then freeze frame; LBJ shaking hands thru crowd, then freeze frame. 22:06:10 Montage: zoom into voting booth w/ machine behind curtain. High angles of city street & large freeway; people wait to vote, voting. 22:06:30 LS of large Goldwater rally, people cheering, applauding, Goldwater waving. San Francisco Republic convention delegates. Montage of campaigning: rubbing nose of Lincoln on statue, w/ locomotive engineers cap, POV CU along railroad rails w/ voice over crowd shots: “These are all words to you, appease & aggressor, try to make friends w/ him & eventually you will have to go war w/ him unless you are willing to hand over your Freedom w/o a fight & I don’t think Americans are. I speak as you speak, for peace, not war. (CU sign on lectern: In your heart you know he’s right!) When I say America must take a firm line w/ Communist Leaders until their evil system ceases to threaten the world, & threaten the freedom of man & the peace of the world.” Various campaign signs & bumper stickers. 22:08:13 Barry Goldwater Jr. signing autographs; Peggy Goldwater campaigning w/ daughter . Goldwater thru crowd, waving etc. 22:08:58 Pan LBJ crowd w/ signs to President Lyndon Johnson w/ Pierre Salinger beside him; shaking hands w/ crowds w/ Secret Service. Luci & Lynda at campaign barbecue / barbeque. Lady Bird w/ Lynda on campagn train car. 22:09:54 Pan large crowd at United Steelworkers meeting. 22:10:02 LBJ speaking outdoors in Philadelphia as crowds wave: “..united country, a unified America, submerging pay difference in common purpose will find no limit to its achievement. We have the knowledge, we have the resources, we have the tools, all we need is the courage & the faith & the vision & you know in your heart that I’m telling you the truth.” Various campaign shots; walking & talking w/ reporters outside the White House. 22:11:30 Slug. 22:11:32 Janet Leigh in front of poster on easel speaks to camera what poster says: “Hi, I’m Janet Leigh. Vote & the choice is yours, don’t vote & the choice is theirs. Your vote could be the one that counts. A difference of only a few votes can decide an election. Vote & the choice is yours; don’t vote & the choice is theirs. Your vote could be the one that counts.” Newsreel Public Service Announcement; Campaigning; Democrats; Republicans; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: