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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221722-32
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1966
Country: USA
Location: New Jersey,Princeton
TC Begins: 05:25:49
TC Ends: 05:28:09
Duration: 00:02:20
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1966 - USA Government: LBJ At Princeton - President Urges Scholars: Support Foreign Policy. 11May66 Intertitle: LBJ At Princeton - President Urges Scholars: Support Foreign Policy. 05:25:54 Graduation Procession past alongside University reflecting pool; President Johnson passing in cap & gown at Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs. Spectators applauding. 05:26:08 Smiling LBJ w/ President of University Robert F. Goheen. LBJ to lectern, newsreel cameras. 05:26:20 CU speaking SOF: “The exercise of power in this century has meant for all of us in the United States not arrogance, but agony. We have used our power not willingly & recklessly ever, but always reluctantly & with restraint. Surely it is not a paranoid vision of America’s place in the world to recognize that Freedom is still indivisible; still has adversaries whose challenge must be answered. Today, of course as we meet here, that challenge is sternest at the moment in Southeast Asia. Yet there, as elsewhere, our great power is also tempered by a great restraint. What nation has announced such limited objectives or such willingness to remove its military presence once those objectives are secured & achieved? 05:27:43 “What nation has spent the lives of its sons & vast sums of its fortune to provide the people of a small thriving country the chance to elect a course that we might not choose?” 05:28:03 Standing applause by students & others (outdoors). Vietnam War; 1966; Presidential Address; Speech; Lyndon Johnson; Persuasion; Commencement Address; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. If requested will supply entire issue, 05:25:33 - 05:31:41, at single reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: