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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221727-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 13:21:01
TC Ends: 13:26:33
Duration: 00:05:32
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1967 - Johnson Press Conference, segment only, over footage 17Nov67; Medal of Honor Awarded White House press photographers as General Westmoreland shakes hands w/ Henry Kissinger w/ LBJ alongside; MCU LBJ talking w/ W. 13:21:24 Reporter asks LBJ assessment of progress in Vietnam: “First I think every America heart should swell w/ pride at the competence & capacity of leadership in Vietnam. I believe, & our allied people believe, that we have a superior leadership. I think it is the best that the United States of America can produce--in experience, in judgment, in training, in general competence. I have had three meetings w/ Ambassador Bunker & three w/ Gen. Westmoreland...Our American people, when we get in a contest of any kind--whether it is in a war, an election, a football game, or whatever it is--want it decided & decided quickly; get in or get out. They like the curve to rise like this and they like the opposition to go down like this. That is not the kind of war we are fighting in Vietnam. We made our statement to the world of what we would do if we had Communist aggression in that part of the world in 1954. (complete thru following) If they have any doubts about it, Mr. Ho Chi Minh--who reads our papers and who listens to our radio, who looks at our television--if he has any doubts about it I want to disillusion him this morning. We keep our commitments. Our people are going to support the men who are there. The men there are going to bring us an honorable peace.” 13:25:30 14Dec67 Westmoreland giving Medal of Honor & certificate to Staff Sgt. Charles Morris as LBJ watches. Westmoreland (SOF) gives speech from podium w/ President Johnson & other troops standing beside. Metaphor; Vietnam War; Perseverance; NOTE: Reporter Walter Cronkite visible briefly. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate, may be combined w/ other complete rolls to total max 10 minutes. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: