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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250025-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Vietnam
Location: Khe Sanh
TC Begins: 00:33:34
TC Ends: 00:39:18
Duration: 00:05:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1968 - Vietnam, Project Warrior: Battle of Khe Sanh Khe Sanh Jan - Apr68 battle scenes. Aerials over air base. Fighting from hilltop. Title: The Battle of Khe Sanh 00:34:26 Air Force support past troops behind bunkers. Napalm; B-52 bombers dropping bombs. Supply drops by tactical airlift. Major McGuire - sign Welcome to Khe Sanh Matcu 62 Airfield. Air force activities - helicopter - transport plane takes off - bombs dropping on airfield - fires. Different methods of dropping supplies shown - container delivery system, dropped by small parachute - low altitude parachute extraction. Supplies unloaded. C-130 transport planes & helicopters. 00:36:16 Excellent shot as mortar explodes - airmen dive into foxhole - fire on airfield. Battle scenes, bombing, artillery. Aircraft on bombing runs, excellent bomb drops including incendiary & napalm. Artillery fire. B-52 bombers dropping 500 + 750 lb bombs. 00:37:35 Night bombing using radar & skyspot. Marines move out by helicopter. Relief troops march along road. President Johnson (LBJ) praising gallantry of marines and airmen - battle shots. Viet village - sign Interstate 9 open to Khe Nan - US artillery - marines - South Vietnamese troops - troops down road (Black in CU) - shots military base. GOOD FIGHTING. Vietnam War; Battles; Fighting; Resupply; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: