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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220571-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1965
Country: USA
Location: Howard University
TC Begins: 21:00:00
TC Ends: 21:10:04
Duration: 00:10:04
President Johnson Speech at Howard University LBJ wearing cap and gown is given standing ovation by students as he enters. Introduced to students by Dean? Dr Naybrith ? who makes speech re thanking the President for his work in civil rights and abolition of poverty. President awarded honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. Students - mostly black stand and applaud. 21.05.23 President makes speech praising Howard University and its democratic excellence. Says in the past American negroes have been another nation suffering deprivation but change has come and ... discrimination based on race is repugnant to the constitution. Talks of past Civil rights legislation and his pride in signing as President.