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President Johnson Speech at Howard University part four

Reel Number: 220571-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1965

Country: USA

Location: Howard University

TC Begins: 21:30:21

TC Ends: 21:40:48

Duration: 00:10:27

President Johnson Speech at Howard University part four LBJ making speech re civil rights. Talks of family structure and single parent families. Says there is no easy answer but jobs and employment help. Welfare and social programmes, care for the sick and understanding by all Americans - says he will dedicate the expanding efforts of the Johnson administration to solving problems. Says he intends to call a White House conference of scholars entitled “ To Fulfill These Rights” . Talks re justice - the fulfillment of expectations - the dignity of man. Talks of lighting the candle of understanding. President given standing ovation by students and faculty.

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