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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221608-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: Germany
Location: Bonn,Cologne,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 03:30:02
TC Ends: 03:40:10
Duration: 00:10:08
The President (LBJ): April 1967 Outs R7 (Pt. 1 of 3) LBJ in office w/ various men talking MOS. 03:31:00 Si. Germany (?) POV on Rhine river, woman riding bicycle on street in ??. Heavily pruned trees, river & tables on bank. Excursion boat & navy ship on river. LBJ w/ Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger (?) Villa Hammerschmidt & flowers; fountain & formal garden. German flag in CU. LBJ out w/ Kiesinger; shaking hands. Dean Rusk & others present. Vice Chancellor Willy Brandt & others posing on steps of ?? 03:36:40 Ext. reporters taking notes, briefed. 03:37:19 LBJ walks out w/ ?? Handshaking. 03:37:32 Church spire; CU of apple blossoms; LBJ shaking hands w/ five-star General. 03:38:35 Barge on Rhine River; POV on river & across. LBJ w/ others on riverbank; getting into limousine. 03:39:52 German Flags at half staff. Lyndon Baines Johnson; Konrad Adenauer Funeral Visit; Germany;