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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221608-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: Uruguay,USA
Location: DC,Puento Del Este,Washington
TC Begins: 03:00:03
TC Ends: 03:10:09
Duration: 00:10:06
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: The President (LBJ): April 1967 (Pt. 1 of 3) Puento Del Este Conference w/ circular room and LBJ speaks; dissolve to view from plane above clouds. LBJ w/ ?? Shots of White House & fountain. General Westmoreland before Congress, at White House reception. 03:01:56 Title: The President - April 1967. 31Mar67 POV aboard Air Force One with Latin American Ambassadors & wives to San Antonio. On board plane signing papers at desk brought by secretary. 03:02:38 Barbecue meeting at LBJ Ranch w/ Latin American delegates before Conference. W/ daughter, wife Lady Bird. CU food cooking, peppering meet, corn cooking. Serving food as xylophone trio play s w/ drum accompaniment. Rope twirler. Horses & stage coach ride. 03:05:00 03Apr67 LBJ w/ Dean Rusk on lawn as Pres. Cevdet Sunay of Turkey arrives in limousine. Hand shaking, at lectern. POV under banner, parade along Pennsylvania Ave. East Side of Capitol building. Limousine w/ glass roof and Sunay. 03:06:52 LBJ w/ Sunay in office; voice over of LBJ talking about 20th Anniversary of Truman Doctrine. Talking about Greece, Turkey & Korea now are freedom loving nations; says he thinks Vietnam will also be that way in 20 more years. LBJ speaking on lawn, people watching. 03:08:11 Cherry blossom flowers in spring around Washington Monuments. Dogwood & magnolia trees. 03:08:33 10Apr67 LBJ & wife welcome Hubert Humphrey back from European tour. Humphrey SOF speaks of his mission & what he saw. Shots of HHH at cabinet meeting w/ McNamara and all. Lyndon Baines Johnson; Presidential entertaining; NATO; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: