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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221071-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: CAMP DAVID,DC,GLASSBORO,Maryland,New Jersey,Washington
TC Begins: 01:41:00
TC Ends: 01:51:08
Duration: 00:10:08
The President: June 1967 Part 2 of 3 LBJ outside White House swearing in Alexander Trowbridge as Secretary of Commerce & Thurgood Marshall, Associate Justice of Supreme Court. INT LBJ introduces Marshall to group of Presidential Scholars - outstanding students awarded medals - LBJ re role of young people of America in VO. 01:42:23 Capitol Page Graduation ceremony outside WH - scrolls presented by LBJ speech in VO continues. 01:42:46 Rural Electric Association Conference - LBJ meets crowds on WH lawn - pan along faces of eager crowd, mostly female, w/ cameras - LBJ speech heard in VO “’re going to have to clean up the ghettos, tear out the slums...” CU evangelist Dr Billy Graham speaks at podium MOS; LBJ w/ Graham on WH drive. 01:43:33 INT Middle East crisis committee meeting, 14Jun67 after Russians called for emergency UN General Assembly session. 01:44:04 LBJ greets Australian PM Holt at Dulles Airport. Holt & LBJ photocall at Camp David - reporters taking notes. Holt & LBJ playing tennis - both shirtless. LBJ & Holt family outside Harriet Episcopal Church after service. 01:45:29 LBJ foreign policy speech, State Dept., 19Jun67 - “the Middle East is rich in has no need to live in permanent civil war...” 01:47:04 Reception at WH 22Jun67 - British Foreign Secretary George Brown, Danish Premier Krag, Italian Premier Moro & Foreign Minister Fanfani - had attended emergency UN summit. CU Rusk. 01:47:58 EXT & INT shots of house at Glassboro, NJ chosen for meeting between LBJ & Kosygin - Hollybush summit. Crowd outside cheer arrival of Kosygin 23Jun67 - LBJ makes introductions - INT LBJ & Kosygin talking w/ LBJ speech in VO “...we reached no new we’re going to eat lunch & spend Sunday together at Hollybush”. LBJ onto jet for flight to LA. 1960s. US Domestic & Foreign Policy. Diplomacy. 6 Day War;