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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220735-02-P2
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988,1980s
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 16:05:37
TC Ends: 16:28:11
Duration: 00:22:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1988 - Color, President Reagan: Arrival Ceremony, PM Thatcher to White House. 16Nov88 Pt 2 of 3 16:20:50 SOF Continued... “And surely future historians will note that a supreme fact of this century was that Great Britain & the United States shared the same cause: the cause of human freedom. Together we've come a long way in striving for that cause. Even in the terrible disappointment following the last world war when we realized all we had striven for in that great conflict - world peace & freedom - would once again elude us & that we would have to begin again & stand together again in facing the menace of war & totalitarian tyranny, even then we did not lose heart. And stand together we have. When first you were here, Prime Minister Thatcher, we referred to a decade fraught with danger. We can hope today that in meeting those dangers we have transformed this decade into a turning point, a turning point for our age and for all time. 16:21:44 “In continuing this work it is profoundly reassuring to me & to all who care about freedom that you will continue to share w/ America your vision & your steady hand. And this is especially critical to us at this moment of transition in our government. So, whatever the future may hold, today the American people express to you our thanks, our affection, & our determination to stand w/ you until freedom has triumphed. Sir Winston put it very well when he said: ‘The day may dawn when fair play, love for one's fellow men, respect for justice & freedom will enable tormented generations to march forth serene & triumphant. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair’.” (applause). 16:22:51 Margaret Thatcher speech, SOF: “Mr. President, may I thank you most warmly for those kind words of welcome & for this marvelous ceremony, which I shall never forget. It is a great honor to be your last official guest after 8 historic years of your Presidency, one of the greatest in America's history (applause). It's an opportunity to affirm anew the deep friendships not only between ourselves but between the British & American peoples, an opportunity to salute all that you have accomplished over these 8 years on behalf of this great nation & of free people everywhere & an opportunity to look ahead to the bright promise of the future. 16:23:48 “Mr. President, when you welcomed me to the White House on my first official visit to Washington under your Presidency, you forecast two things: first the world would be less dangerous if the West maintained the strength required for peace; and second, that Britain & America would stand side by side in that endeavour. Both promises have been honored, & honored handsomely. We thank you for being such a staunch & loyal ally & friend to our country. Together our nations have faced the challenges of our time & have not flinched. We forged ahead w/ strengthening the peace, spreading prosperity & safeguarding liberty. Your conviction Mr. President, that the only sure peace is one founded on a strong defense, has enabled us to take a first historic step in the reduction of nuclear arms.” Continued... State Visit; Special Relationship; Presidential Welcoming Speech; Diplomacy; 1980s; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes of 16:05:37 - 16:28:11 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: