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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220807-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1959,1950s
Country: USA,USSR
Location: California,Camp David,DC,Los Angeles,Maryland,Santa Barbara,Washington
TC Begins: 12:20:50
TC Ends: 12:25:47
Duration: 00:04:57
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1959 - Color, Diplomacy: Khrushchev in America - clips, Sep59 K. w/ Eisenhower at welcoming ceremony at airport. Motorcade, masses of police escorts thru street w/ tall buildings & crowds lining sidewalk. 12:21:23 K. in Los Angeles - press - cameramen. MCU w/ Eric Johnston & wife. 12:21:42 Marilyn Monroe, CU. Khrushchev & wife posing, waving w/ VIPs, cameramen. 12:21:56 Crowds at Santa Barbara waiting for K. K. walking, talking on railroad station platform. 12:22:40 K. walking inside train. K mobbed by crowds on platform. Tracking shot crowds lining streets to greet Khrushchev. 12:23:08 Tilt down Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco; Khrushchev waving to crowd from in front. CUs. Russian banner. Street sign. Motocade past & POV of crowd lining street from car. 12:23:52 K. & reporters walk & examine cornfield. K. holding little girl in arms, shakes children’s hands. 12:24:34 Ike & K. walk towards & board helicopter on White House South Lawn. Takeoff. Aerial over Jefferson Memorial. 12:25:06 K. & Ike out of car at Camp David, pose. Into cabin w/ sign: Aspen. 12:25:40 Waving w/ Averell Harriman standing next to him. Celebrity Diplomacy; Tourists; 1959; 1950s; Excitement; Movie Stars; Hollywood; Diplomats; Communists; Cold War; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: