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1985 - Color, President Reagan: Compilation Film re Day 3, Geneva Summit Meeting. 19Nov85

Reel Number: 250012-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1985

Country: Switzerland,USA,USSR

Location: Geneva

TC Begins: 00:36:10

TC Ends: 00:49:42

Duration: 00:13:32

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1985 - Color, President Reagan: Compilation Film re Day 3, Geneva Summit Meeting. 19Nov85 Title: Joint Statement by President Reagan & General Secretary Gorbachev at the International Press Center. 00:36:22 G. introduced, goes to microphone, applause, reads from notes via translator: “You have already been handed the joint statement...we have done a great deal of work...relations between our two countries & the situation in the world in general today... Note Reagan sitting listening w/ translator behind him. 00:38:08 “...we must not allow the arms race to move off into space, and we must cut it down on earth... 00:41:57 Reagan introduced, goes to mic & reads from notes, praises Swiss hosts. 00:42:52 “We’ve packed a lot into the last two days....I’m convinced we’re heading in the right direction...” Talks about future talks, etc. 00:45:45 Ends and sits down. 00:45:57 It is now my honor to invite the Minister for Foreign Affairs...and the Secretary of State to come to rostrum now... Eduard Shevardnadze & George Shultz sit to sign w/ G. & R. & translators standing behind. Signing, then handshakes all around. 00:4932 They leave stage. Diplomatic Summit Meetings; Strategic Defense Initiative; SDI; Global Security; Nuclear Warfare; Diplomacy; NOTE: Good quality. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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