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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250013-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1986
Country: Iceland,USA,USSR
Location: HofDi House,Reykjavik
TC Begins: 02:44:45
TC Ends: 02:57:32
Duration: 00:12:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1986 - Color, President Reagan: Arrival Reykjavik Summit Conference; w/ Gorbachev, 11-12Oct86 Doorway of Air Force One plane, reporters & limousine on rainy tarmac, slow zoom in as Reagan & others down steps, then Secretary George Shultz leading others (Donald Regan, Larry Speakes & ??. Reagan shaking hands w/ President Vigdis Finnbogadottir & VIPs & to car w/ ??. 02:47:27 Security man outside meeting Hofdi House (former French consulate); Gorbachev from limousine to house in wind; reporters call questions in Russian. Reagan out door to greet him & they pose. Reporter calls questions, they go inside followed by others in delegations. CU USSR flag on limousine & pullback w/ harbor beyond. 02:49:35 edit 02:49:39 Second camera of above . Reporters waiting, Gorbachev arrival (brighter day) & into house, Reagan again greeting & they pose. 02:50:37 Int. G. & R. sitting talking for photographers w/ ocean outside windows behind. Reporters ask questions, Gorbachev answers in Russian. Reagan refuses to answer questions. Refuse to talk about another meeting. 02:53:00 Edit 02:53:04 Ext. man inside looking Hofoi House window. LS of house. Security standing beside Gorbachev car. 02:53:44 Black 02:53:56 LS ext of Hofoi House, men out; G. & R. pose on steps. Reagan asked if progress made, he says “we’re not thru.” Reagan walks w/ G. to limousine & waves goodbye as G. leaves; then R. returns into house w/out comment other than to say they’ll meet again at 3 o’clock. 02:55:39 Reagan outside & into limousine saying he’s always optimistic. 02:56:01 Black 02:56:09 Ext of Hofoi House, secret service waiting outside; R. & G. out & ignore reporters while walking to Reagan’s limousine. R & G. talk alongside, then G. & others return into house. Cold War; Anti-Communism; Summit Conferences; Strategic Defense Initiative; SDI; Star Wars; Human Rights; Presidential Diplomacy; Diplomats; Negotiations; NOTE: Ms Finnbogadottir was world’s first elected female president (1980 - 1996). NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: