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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221766-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1990,1990s
Country: Canada,USA,USSR
Location: DC,East Room,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 14:00:00
TC Ends: 15:00:13
Duration: 01:00:13
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: President Bush - Color, 1990 Summit: Agreements; Summit Meetings & Press Ops. 31May-01Jun90 Color bars, VO re White House East Room signing ceremony, 01Jun90, 6:13pm. 14:00:24 Entrance of Mrs Bush & Gorbachev & seated to applause; Shevardnadze seated. H.W. Bush & Gorbachev enter past flags to applause, hand shakes & stand at podium. 14:02:14 Bush: (speaks intermittent w/ Russian translation) re Malta agenda & preparations for current summit...first we’ll sign a bilateral agreement that will for the first time eliminate the great majority of the chemical weapons that our countries have stockpiled over the years....Secondly we will be signing protocols on limiting nuclear testing....Third we’ll sign...updates & expands our 1973 agreement...peaceful uses of atomic energy....cooperation in nuclear safety....issuing a joint statement recording major agreed provisions of Strategic Arms Treaty....conventional arms forces in Europe (speeding up negotiations)....many other agreements signing or announcing during this Summit....Bering Strait International Park....will sign an agreement that realizes our Malta objective expanding undergraduate exchanges.... Says that Sec. Baker & Shevardnadze will sign four agreements: maritime boundaries, ocean studies, civil aviation, & long term grains agreement. Shevardnadze & Transportation Sec. Skinner will sign agreement on Maritime Transportation. ...Gorbachev & I will also sign a commercial agreement & looking forwards to a Soviet Immigration Law... We may not agree on everything...Cold War must end...let’s renew our pledge & build a more peaceful world.” Handshaking & applause. 14:16:56 Gorbachev (Russian w/ English translator: thanks Bush for excellent summary but now what else to say? So I will do some thinking aloud...talks of momentous importance of their talks & agreements....FDR spoke of a world in which four essential freedoms would triumph: ...speech...worship...from want...from fear....we are making steps to a new world....we are ready to building a new Civilization. ...the Soviet Union is committed...before the end of this year the preparation of the START treaty... Hand shake 14:29:45 Sit at table, sign & exchange agreements w/ announcements of each. 14:37:00 Secretary of State Baker & Soviet Foreign Minister Schevardnadze signing as each agreement announced. G. & Bush stand behind. Hand shakes at end w/ applause. 14:41:35 Secretary of Transportation Skinner & Schevardnadze signing re certain Maritime Matters. 14:43:14 Color bars VO 31May90. Bush, VP Dan Quayle & others walk Gorbachev to limo w/ chit-chat; return to W.H. & then Bush walks Schevardnadze & others to car & returns to W.H. 14:47:24 31May90 Second meeting w/ Gorbachev, 31May90. Standing talking, entering Cabinet Room for photo op, MCUs around table. 14:49:54 Color bars VO 01Jun90 First meeting of day, 3rd meeting of Summit. Bush on sidewalk, G. arrives & joking re starring on tv; walk into W.H. Condoleeza Rice (?) visible w/ group. 14:51:20 07:52:48 Sitting, talking in Oval Office - photo ops. Question re Germany & G. answers diplomatically. 14:54:54 Color bars VO 01Jun90 Standing talking, entering Cabinet Room w/ Condoleeza Rice. 14:55:50 Color bars VO 01Jun90 W.H. departure G. & others after first meeting of day. Bush on horseshoes South Lawn w/ brief questions to G. & answers talking about going to Camp David to complete talks. 1990s; Ending of Cold War; Diplomacy; Diplomats; Any continuous 20 minutes of 14:00:00 - 15:00:13 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Signing of new Protocols to the Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) & the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (PNET) which were first signed in 1974 & 1976; ratified by US Senate Sep90 & by Supreme Soviet in early Oct90. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: