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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250217-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1943
Country: Canada,England,Germany,Libya,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA
Location: New York,North Africa,Ottawa,SOUTH CAROLINA,West Point
TC Begins: 06:19:36
TC Ends: 06:29:03
Duration: 00:09:27
WWII - 1943, Newsreel, USA Military: US Army Academy Graduation; USS Yorktown Launch; US Army Training; North African Fighting; Empire AF Training in Canada 06:20:03 Intertitle: West Point Sends 409 New Officers Into U.S. Army. Graduation ceremony, Cadet Kellogg receives degree & others follow. LSs, cheering. Marching in courtyard rain. MCUs, LSs, CUs. 06:21:43 Intertitle: Mrs. Roosevelt Launches Navy’s Newest Carrier. 21Jan43 MCU holding flowers w/ Adm ?, WRVA microphone in front, Men knocking blocks out, GOOD CUs, swinging bottle, USS Yorktown (CV-10) sliding down ways, workers watch; sliding into water. 06:22:29 Intertitle: Invasion Tactics Toughen Troops. Army Artillery men exercise tossing logs, other calisthenics during training; obstacle course w/ live explosions & machine guns. GOOD. 06:24:05 Intertitle: British 8th Army Takes Tripoli As Nazis Flee Libya. Mussolini landmark gate, planes fly behind; aerials of port & harbor w/ bomb explosions. Field Marshal Montgomery, flag of British 8th raised. British ground crews salvaging German planes, repainting; pilots take off from desert. 06:25:21 British soldiers sweeping mines, dig one up & defuse; large pile of mines. Trucks on cleared roads. Merjerda River, Tunisia & Allied troops & artillery firing on German dive bombers, one hit & falls. Hills & camouflaged positions firing, US tanks & trucks along road. Douglas A-20 Boston bombers low overhead. P-38s. 06:27:15 Intertitle: Canada Hails 3rd Year of Empire Air Training. Ext of Ottowa Parliament w/ politicians & military posing. British 8th AF flag, RCAF volunteers enlisting & sent to Canada for pilot training. Trainee pilots into planes, overhead. Aerial of training center; aerial of planes. Graduation ceremony, CU patch New Zealand, handshaking. Marching. Waving from shipboard on converted ocean liner. 06:28:56 The End w/ logo. WW2 Naval Buildup; Allies; Military Propaganda; Defense Industry; 1940s; Allied Training; North African fighting; Battles; NOTE: Sell at per reel rate.