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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250054-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: England,Italy,Malta,Morocco,Russia,Tunisia,United Kingdom,USSR
Location: Bizerta,Bizerte,Casablanca,Moscow,Sicily,Stalingrad,Tunis
TC Begins: 10:08:59
TC Ends: 10:18:24
Duration: 00:09:25
WWII - Jan-Jul43. Von Paulus surrendering at Stalingrad. Artillery fired & fireworks in Moscow for celebrations of the liberation of Stalingrad. Happy Russians. 10:10:09 Intertitle: The Gathering Offensive. Jan43 President Roosevelt & Winston Churchill w/ General De Gaulle, attend Casablanca conference. Officers Arnold, Marshall & others at table. Sir Charles Portal & General Arnold. Sir Alfred Dudley Pound & Admiral King. Sir Alan Brooke wi/ General George Marshall. FDR, Churchill & others pose in gardens. 10:10:56 British & American troops meet in Tunisia, exchange cigarettes & helmets. General Eisenhower greeting General Montgomery. 10:11:33 British fighting scenes continue up the Tunisian coast. Aerial of Allied planes bomb desert - US tanks forward towards Bizerta. 10:12:06 German prisoners of war march down road after tank following the surrender of Bizerta / Bizerte & Tunis. French soldiers guarding German POWs. Masses of German prisoners in trucks & walking. Aerial POW in desert compound. 10:12:50 Tunisians welcome American troops - celebrations. 10:13:21 Intertitle: ...prepared to move on..lFortress Europe. 10Jul43 Allied troops land on beaches of Sicily. Paratroop drop. Mussolini. 03Sep43 Allied invasion of Italy. Italian fleet surrender to Gen. Eisenhower at Malta. Good shots battleships. 10:14:35 Naples - celebrations as Allies enter city. 10:14:48 Intertitle: The Air Front. Animated map of Europe showing tactical advantages of capturing Italian airspace. Bomber crews in England at briefing. Montage Allied planes taking off. Aircraft in flight - US daylight bombing raids on German industry & docks. Night bombing by British on German armament centers. OPX film. Allied planes bombing & strafing railways - airfields. Dogfights - camera gun shots / GSAP. Planes in formation 10:17:48 Intertitle: Russia - June 1943. Russian artillery firing. Animated map of Russia showing how they pushed the Germans back. Russians with German prisoner. WW2; WWII History Summary; Jan-Jul43; 1943; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.