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1980 - Color, President Reagan: Dallas, Texas Campaign Commercial Speech. 31Oct80 Card 2 of 2

Reel Number: 250165-05-P2

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980

Country: USA

Location: dallas,Moody Coliseum,Texas

TC Begins: 18:33:11

TC Ends: 18:36:43

Duration: 00:03:32

1980 - Color, President Reagan: Dallas, Texas Campaign Commercial Speech. 31Oct80 Card 2 of 2 Continued... “We’re different, we have always been different. We have created w/ God’s help & our sweat & pain & work, we have created something that never before has existed on the face of the earth: a nation where the vast majority of people are free from material want, free to worship & think in their own way; the immigrants who have come to this country in our own time & those who came earlier & today we look upon as our parents, or our grandparents or great-great grandparents. They brought us a gift of work & a gift of faith & what they produced thru work was always there to be used for charitable & brotherly works of faith. All we have, all we’ve ever built, all the hopes & dreams that we want to come to pass, all this is dependent upon education in freedom. And so a more basic answer to the question I asked is what is it that America really wants, it’s to grow, to learn, to develop our talents in Freedom. Freedom is the only true possession that American’s have. A signer of the Declaration of Independence said it isn’t important that we leave wealth to our children, it is important that we leave them Liberty. (applause) 18:34:40 “I can think of no greater reward for any President of the United States than that he kept his country at peace, & the people of his country at work; that he helped strengthen the family & preserve the Freedoms of his people. That he did his part to replace tension w/ confidence, despair w/ hope, anger w/ love & spiritual resolution - or desolation I should say w/ a new faith in ourselves, in our country, & in the God who has looked over our fortunes these many years of our glory. 18:35:19 “I would like to have your help & support, not because I think that I personally can bring all these things about, but because I have faith in the people of this country & in the greatness of the people of this country & the leadership that I envision in Washington if I should have enough of your support would be to take the lead in getting Government off the backs of the people of the United States & turning you loose to do the what you can do so well. Thank you so very much. Thank you. (standing ovation) Nancy & Ronald waving. CUs of audience through speech. 18:36:30 Title card: Paid for and furnished by Reagan/Bush Committee U.S. Senator Pau Laxalt, Chairman, Bay Buchanan, Treasurer. Republican Presidential Election Campaigning; Patriotism; Cold War; Military Strength; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: two cards 18:28:27 - 18:36:43 sold at per reel rate.

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