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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250165-05-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980
Country: USA
Location: dallas,Moody Coliseum,Texas
TC Begins: 18:28:27
TC Ends: 18:33:11
Duration: 00:04:44
1980 - Color, President Reagan: Dallas, Texas Campaign Commercial Speech. 31Oct80 Card 1 of 2 CU Reagan speaking SOF: “I believe in the plan, but now w/ regard to defensive spending: Let me make this an absolute fact, the goal is world peace; that must be our prime responsibility. We are the leader of the Free World, whether we want to be or not, & therefore we are the only ones that can preserve the peace & to do that we must have strength. (applause) LS in front of huge flag w/ line of people on chairs behind him. 18:29:03 “Now the President claims that while we are superior he has canceled the B-1, he delayed the MX, he delayed the Cruise Missile, the Neutron Warhead, the Trident submarine & a number of other weapons, closed down the Minuteman assembly line & as I said earlier we are not number one. We have opened a dangerous window of vulnerability to the Soviet Union that as their building of arms goes up & ours continues to decline w/ great percentage of our aircraft that on any given day can’t fly for lack of spare parts or maintenance; w/ ships that can’t sail from our Navy out of our port because they don’t have the crew to sail them; w/ 70% of the enlistees in the volunteer Army leaving at the end of the first term & a high percentage of them not even completing that term, we are 70,000 short in non-commissioned officers. The President has asked for advance registration of the draft; he says that he won’t call a draft - I’m pleased w/ that because I don’t believe in a peacetime draft. (applause). 18:30:09 “But our volunteer army, we wouldn’t have the non-commissioned officers & the men to train a draftee army if we had to call them up in an emergence. I happen also to be opposed to his advance registration for the draft. He said that was to send a message to the Soviet Union. But that’s sending it by way of the Post Office. But I’ll tell you what I do think is the answer. I think first of all the rebuilding of an active reserve, which has been allowed to deteriorate, to where we have an active reserve that can be called up in an emergency. And then I believe also in the volunteer military - if, if we will stop being as foolish as we have been - to expect a young man to work 100 hours a week out on duty in the Pacific on a carrier & in the Indian Ocean, 100 hrs a week for a salary that is less than he could get for working 40 hrs a week at a menial job back home. What we really need is to institute a pay scale & benefits as we would in the private sector that are commensurate w/ the sacrifice we are asking of the young men & women in uniform & we’ll have a volunteer military that works. (applause). 18:31:42 “You know there is a saying that Chicago is a city w/ big shoulders; that’s a saying about it. Let the United States once again be a nation w/ big shoulders. (applause) Shoulders to bear the kind of historic responsibility out of which our destiny was born more than 200 years ago. What is it that we Americans really want? It isn’t power, if we only wanted power we long ago could have dominated the world. It isn’t world leadership as an end in itself; we’ve had world leadership thrust upon it by events. We’ve never pursued it. In my view what we want is so simple, so elementary, that its often overlooked. We want to live in Freedom & in Peace. To see our children have at least the opportunities that we had for advancement & preferably even better opportunities than we had. We want to worship God in our own way, to lead our own lives, take care of our families, live in own style in our own community w/o hurting anyone or anyone hurting us. And yes, we want to bring the blessings of Peace & Progress & Freedom to others. I’m talking about the very essence of what it is to be an American. Continued... Republican Presidential Election Campaigning; Patriotism; Cold War; Military Strength; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: two cards 18:28:27 - 18:36:43 sold at per reel rate.