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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220735-01-P2
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1981,1980s
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,Middle East,Washington,White HOuse Oval Office
TC Begins: 16:03:30
TC Ends: 16:05:36
Duration: 00:02:06
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1981 - Color, President Reagan: Remarks Following Senate Approval of Sale of AWACS to Saudi Arabia. 28Oct81 Pt. 2 of 2 16:03:30 Q: “What do you think this vote means for your ability to conduct the office of the Presidency?” President: “I think that it's going to have a very good effect. We had heard from many leaders who had expressed their concern about what this could mean in the whole world scene, if it had not turned out the way it did.” Q: “Do you think it will help you put the budget fight ahead? The next budget round?” President: “I don't know. I don't know whether the two are connected at all.” 16:04:04 Q: “What aspect of what you told the Senators did you think was the convincing aspect, and what final thing do you think turned the tide in the last few days?” President: “Well, contrary to some of the things that have been said, there have been no deals made. None were offered. I talked strictly on the merits of the proposal. And basically I tried to point out, in every instance, the progress that has been made so far in the Middle East towards stability & peace and the part that was played in that by Saudi Arabia & Prince Fahd, beginning w/ the cease-fire that we were able to secure in Lebanon in which they played a major role. And I simply played on that; that this, I felt, was essential for the security of Israel, for the entire Middle East, & for ourselves on the world scene.” 16:05:02 Q: “Do you foresee any circumstance under which, by 1985, this sale might be cancelled if the Saudis aren't cooperating in the Middle East?” President: “Well, I would think that the only thing that could happen to make us not fulfill that would be if by some chance, the radical elements that we know are there & that have made themselves tragically evident in the last few weeks, that if the should gain control in the Middle East & gain control of all of...” (NOTE: balance / last two sentences missing). Journalists; Reporters; Press; 1980s; NOTE: Contents of two cards, 16:00:00 - 16:05:36, sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: