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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250165-10-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1982
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,South Lawn,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 19:06:52
TC Ends: 19:12:01
Duration: 00:05:09
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1982 - Color, President Reagan: W/ Margaret Thatcher & Departure Remarks. 23Jun82 Pt 1 of 2 MOS Reagan onto colonnade w/ PM Thatcher for photo op. The wave & go back inside. 19:07:47 Sd. CU limousine w/ US & UK flags on fenders. Alexander Haig & others leaving W.H. across grass past Marine & flag. Reagan & Thatcher out & down sidewalk to small lectern, Reagan w/ notes. 19:08:43 SOF: “Well, its been good to welcome the Prime Minister to Washington even if for only for an afternoon’s visit. I was delighted that we could continue our conversations from Paris, London, & Bonn on the whole host of issues where our cooperation is so close. In that connection, incidentally, I note that we have now met four times in this month in as many cities. It's customary when two political figures get together to describe their talks as far-ranging. But in our case, that statement is both figuratively & literally true. I'm going to have to check the history books, but four separate meetings in four different places in less than 4 weeks may well be unprecedented in our bilateral relations. 19:09:26 “Seriously, I did have, as I always do, an exceptionally useful discussion w/ the Prime Minister which covered a number of critical issues. The fighting in the South Atlantic has stopped since we last met. We believe that a fundamental principle of international society, that force not be used to settle disputes, was at stake in that conflict. We also discussed other issues, including a number of economic questions, the future of East-West relations & the crucial role played by the events in Poland. We share the commitment to arms control negotiations w/ the Soviet Union. 19:10:01 “And we also agree that the work accomplished at the two summit meetings in which we participated earlier this month, Versailles & Bonn, demonstrated anew the vitality & cohesion of the Western democracies. Clearly, there's much more in our free & pluralistic societies that unites us than divides us, & that's our major strength when we face a determined & totalitarian adversary. 19:10:24 “With respect to the tragic situation in the Middle East, we consulted about what we could do to promote a lasting & just peace in that region that's so important to us; especially in Lebanon, & to bring an end to the human suffering there. 19:10:37 “The Prime Minister has come to us at a particularly auspicious moment: the birth of an heir to the throne of the United Kingdom. And we have every hope that she will carry back to London our fondest good wishes, those of the American people, Nancy & myself, to their Royal Highnesses the Prince & Princess of Wales, and to their little son. 19:11:09 Thatcher: “Thank you very much. Mr. President - can I just add a few words to what the President has already said. I was very anxious to come & talk to the President so that we could get up to date w/ a number of things that have happened since we last met on his very highly successful visit to Europe & his particularly successful visit to Britain. As he pointed out, since then, the fighting in the Falkland Islands has been concluded, which was a tremendous relief to us all. And we hope that things will steadily continue to improve there. We also discussed matters such as Lebanon, where there is a great tragedy taking place, which is of concern to us all. And naturally, of course, we discussed East-West matters & a number of economic things. Continued... And so, we're most grateful to you for making the extra effort to come down here & see us. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: Entire two cards 19:06:52 - 19:15:01 sold at per reel rate if desired. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: