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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221255-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1983
Country: USA
Location: Press Room,White House
TC Begins: 20:06:55
TC Ends: 20:09:10
Duration: 00:02:15
1983 - Color, President Reagan: Press Briefing w/ Surprise Birthday Cake. 04Feb83 “...defense spending. We have more than cut in half the increase over the projected Carter defense budget...” Reagan continues giving figures of his vs Carter’s spending as reporters gesture to side of room. Finally interrupted by Nancy Reagan carrying a birthday cake. Everyone laughing. They sing Happy Birthday... He says “two days early” and kisses Nancy. “Aren’t they coming fast enough w/o moving them up?” Told to make a wish & blow the candle out. He blows out candle, opens envelope given & large cake wheeled in. He reads the card at journalist’s request. 1980s American Government; Presidency; Daily Life; Gag; Oddities; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: Ask for pricing when combining short Reagan source reels.