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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250014-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1983
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,Oval Office,Washington
TC Begins: 05:04:46
TC Ends: 05:16:18
Duration: 00:11:32
1983 - Color, President Reagan: w/ Mrs Thatcher in Oval Office & Diplomatic Entrance. 29Sep83 Color bars President greets Thatcher & walks to chair, then reminded they are to go outside for the press (seen from inside) then return back inside & sit down. CUs talking quietly. 05:06:33 Color bars. 29Sep83 05:06:56 Thatcher & Reagan walk to lunch along colonnade w/ photographers & others. 05:07:36 Color Bars. 05:07:38 People standing, seated at table prior to luncheon. Chit-chat. 05:08:57 Military Color Guard, MCU. on balcony. 05:09:27 Reagan & Thatcher out of White House below Color Guard to podium; Reagan makes remarks about their talks & superb relations between the two countries. Talks about NATO; cruise missile deployment if arms reduction negotiations fail; Middle East developments & Lebanon. “We’re grateful of your friendship... 05:11:58 Thatcher speaks of the talks as well as meeting Regan & Volker re debt problems. Of talks w/ Reagan: We both believe in defending our way of a lower cost in men & weapons. “We can keep our security at a lower expenditure. It takes two to negotiate, and the President has constantly put forward detail proposals to the Soviet Union...” If there are no results then the Cruise & Pershing Missiles will be deployed this year...our nerve is being tested, we should not falter now... 05:15:14 black 05:15:16 Thatcher shaking hands, saying goodbye; Reagan shaking hands & Thatcher into car, waving as car leaves. Goes back inside. Anglo-American Special Relationship; British & American Diplomacy; Cold War; Weapons; SDI; Star Wars; USSR Negotiations; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.