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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250014-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1984
Country: USA
Location: California,Palmdale
TC Begins: 04:43:55
TC Ends: 04:57:15
Duration: 00:13:20
1984 - Color, President Reagan: Excerpt, Speech At Rockwell International, Lockheed & Northrop Employees 22Oct84 Color bars. 04:44:11 Man at microphone introducing dignitaries to applause, pan over crowd. President & Bob Anderson, Chairman of Rockwell International introduced & walk out alongside partially completed airplane, shake hands w/ several workers & waves to crowd, shakes hands w/ VIPs on stand. 04:46:18 ..but for the sake of our children, but for the sake of the future of this country of ours we must send him back to Washington for four more years. Ladies & gentlemen, the President of the United States... 04:46:50 Reagan at lectern: “Thank you...Governor..Senator...and one who must join them, Bob Dornan... being here...reminds us once again of America’s renewed spirit. We’re entering the home stretch of the campaign--or didn’t you know that? WE’ve set our sights on victory. And I believe the election of 1984 will be victory for us all - for the future over the past, for progress over failure, for hope over despair... 04:48:30 And what an airplane! You know I have no complaints about Air Force One, but I was wondering, does Rockwell take trade-ins? (laughter).... 04:49:27 The teamwork of the B-1B is something to behold--5,200 suppliers & subcontractors, 55,000 workers, w/ 17,000 workers right here in California... 04:50:06 Yours is the work of peace. The B1B strategic bomber- 2/3 the size of the aging b-52 w/ twice the payload - and I’ve learned...its 2 1/2 times the payload.... 04:50:41 You know those people who criticize & somehow think that in defending ourselves or having the weapons of defense that somehow that makes us warlike-- ...over the gate that says Peace is our Profession. 04:51:47 - 04:51:49 (edit) ...foreign to what the leadership of the Democratic Party once believed. Well join us, and in a bipartisan way we’ll make this country the way it should be. Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you. (applause, waving, pointing). 04:52:48 Bob Anderson at micro: “Mr. President on behalf of all the aerospace workers...we want to tell you how much we appreciate you taking time out of your schedule....your visit today comes just 36 months after you made a commitment to the American people to rebuild the strategic deterrent force...we were very shocked when the Carter-Mondale canceled this program...we all know where Mondale stands on this project... (presents a model of the B1B aircraft to the President who holds it up. Also a cap. Reagan puts it on, waves. Shakes hands w/ VIPs on stand. Presidential Speeches; Republican Campaigning; Cold War; Anti-Democrats; NOTE: Speech incomplete. Fair color & audio. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.