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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221255-11
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: White House
TC Begins: 20:26:31
TC Ends: 20:33:49
Duration: 00:07:18
1984 - Color, President Reagan: TWTW, Cuts of Thatcher State Visit. 16Nov88 Reagans out & stand w/ crowd waiting arrival. MCU of Marine band leader w/ baton starting music. MCU Reagans. Limousine arrives & Mrs Thatcher gets out followed by husband. Handshakes. Reagan directs her to VP Bush & wife, George Shultz & wife. Mount platform & stand as announced. 20:29:02 President Reagan & Thatcher walk along military in dress uniforms at attention, then walk back across lawn as people applaud behind ropes. Salutes by Reagan & military VIP. 20:30:13 Int. of White House as military honor guard into room, Thatchers down stairs in background & enter room w/ Reagans, pose. 20:31:31 Reagan at podium in dining room gives welcoming remarks. Quotes Churchill in 1952 when meeting w/ journalists in New York, quotes from Martin Gilbert’s biography of Dr.’s words about America. 20:33:10 Reagan gives toast to Margaret Thatcher. 1980s American Government; Presidency; Daily Life; Ceremony; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.