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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221612-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1985
Country: Switzerland
Location: Geneva
TC Begins: 10:00:01
TC Ends: 10:17:32
Duration: 00:17:31
1985 - Color, President Reagan: Joint Statement W/ Gorbachev at International Press Center, Geneva Summit. 21Nov85 Stage w/ Soviet & American flags. Reagan & Gorbachev enter from wings & shake hands; translators sit behind. Reagan & G. talk a bit w/ each other. Voice of translator as President Kurt Furgler introduced to applause; at microphone, translator into English. 10:04:04 Gorbachev to microphone at podium, reads from notes w/ vo simultaneous translation. “We must not allow the arms race to move off into space...” (long shot of Reagan listening to his translator). Talks about need to carry on talking. “The Soviet Union will do all it cut down the arsenals...” Applause. 10:09:30 Reagan to microphone. Reads speech thanking Switzerland for hosting talks. “We’ve packed a lot into the last two days...” “We’ve reached some interesting interim results...” Pull back to show stage w/ flags. “The real report card on Geneva will not come in for months or years... “There’s hard work ahead... 10:13:13 Returns to seat. 10:13:24 Furgler invites Shevardnadze & Sec of State Schultz to table to sign protocols w/ Reagan & G. standing behind, smiling & watching, laughing. Books exchanged for signatures. CU & pull back for long shot of stage & flags. Applause & handshakes. 10:16:59 Reagan & Gorbachev off stage & leaving along side. US-USSR Summit; Diplomacy; Geneva Summit Meeting; 1980s; 1985; Diplomats; Negotiators; Press; Cold War; Note: Credit to be given “Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library”.